Tradition art of the Wixárika tribe made of string pressing into beeswax
The Wixárika (also known as Huichol) people of modern day Mexico are an ancient culture that have existed for countless generations. They were never colonized and retain their own language, traditional arts, sacred ceremonies and a profound cosmology which is deeply interwoven with daily life.
The Wixárika are widely renowned as expert artisans, using brilliant colors to create “string paintings” with beeswax and beadwork which depict their sacred symbols, including the blue deer (Kauyumari), corn, Hikuri, prayer tools such as candles and feathers and the forces of nature.
Join Ekaa Virikuta Wixárika (the wind of the Wixárika people) — wisdom keeper, master artisan and ceremonial leader — as he shares the wisdom and cosmology of one of the oldest living traditions on earth.