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Welcome Back to Kundalini Yoga Online!


We're excited to resume our Kundalini Yoga classes online, offering you a chance to reignite your inner energy and vitality no matter where you are. Recordings will be made available if you register but are not able to attend live.

The objective of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken the full potential of every person and help them become more aware of the unlimited Self. This ancient technology is meant to create abundance, clear away inner duality, cultivate inner stillness, and more.

Each class contains:

  • Yoga Postures: Experience a blend of dynamic postures, breathwork, and meditation designed to awaken your Kundalini energy, promoting healing and self-discovery.

  • Guided Meditations: Dive deep into your consciousness as our sessions guide you toward inner peace, clarity, and self-realization.

  • Breathwork: Harness the power of your breath to cleanse, energize, and balance your mind, body, and spirit.

  • Mantras & Chanting: Elevate your vibration through the melodious practice of mantra chanting, connecting with universal energy and finding inner harmony.

Join us as we embark on this transformative journey once again. It's time to reconnect with your true self and awaken your potential through Kundalini Yoga.

Suggested Donation: $15; no one turned away for lack of funds. Contact us for assistance.


All classes are online. The link will be shared 30 minutes before class starts. Recordings will be made available if you register but are not able to attend live.


Laura Krassner Murtagh (Dharam Dhyan Kaur)

Laura is a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor. She completed her Level 1 Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India in 2012 with Golden Bridge Yoga and has traveled to Europe and the Middle East to complete Level 2 and 3 training courses in Authentic Relationships and the 21 Stages of Meditation. Laura is a member of the Golden Drum community and a student of Maestro Manuel Rufino, to whom she is infinitely grateful.