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Day of the Ancestors Ceremony w/ Maestro Manuel Rufino: Cacao Ceremony, Dream Seed + More!

  • Golden Drum 97 Green Street, G1 Brooklyn, NY, 11222 United States (map)

***If you are feeling unwell, have a cold, fever, or may have been exposed to COVID, please stay home. We will be happy to refund your ticket.***

Come and make PEACE with your ancestors, heal old relationships, make peace with the ones that left before us. Forget, forgive, let go. 

Let us build a beautiful altar celebrating those that came before, create a flower mandala, pray with the sacred medicine of CACAO and allow the transcendent music of DREAM SEED to carry us into our hearts.

Bring wholesome sweets, cakes and treats, bring pictures of your loved ones, bring flowers. Dress well for the occasion - Halloween style and more.

This is a FREE event that is likely to sell out due to space in the room. Reserve your space (no more than two per registration please) by registering below.

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7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Preparation of a beautiful altar

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Cacao Ceremony

Maestro Manuel Rufino

Maestro Manuel Rufino was born on May 4, 1958 under the Full Moon of the Wesak, in Quisqueya (known today as the Dominican Republic). He has traveled through all the continents of the world carrying the message of peace and unity to help reestablish the original harmony and the postulates of the New Era. He met his teacher Maestro Domingo Dias Porta in 1976, who since then, has guided him through the indigenous traditions of Amerikua.

Maestro Manuel is an artist, yogi, vegetarian chef, nutritionist, martial artist and healer. He is the World Director of the Movement of American Indian Solar Culture, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to serving the community by focusing on sharing Amerikua Wisdom, founded by his teacher, Maestro Domingo Dias Porta. He is the founder of the Jungle Café and visionary behind the Blue Wolf Community in Canada, the Golden Beehive in England and the White Eagle’s Nest in Warsaw.

Maestro Manuel Rufino has also established and founded communities and cultural centers in Europe, North, Central and South America including the Heart & Mind Festival, the Golden Drum, and the 501(c)(3) Sacred Arts Research Foundation. 

He is currently in the 5th degree in the Mayan Sovereign Solar Order of Chichaan Itzaab (S.O.S.X.I) and has been recognized as an elder in many traditions; however, he prefers not to claim titles and to be a simple human being at the service of the world and all its inhabitants on land, air, water and fire.

Dream Seed

DREAM SEED is a shamanic sound ensemble hosted by members of Golden Drum, Didge Project, and Sacred Arts Research Foundation. Shamanic chanting, mantras, overtone singing, Native American songs, indigenous music, didgeridoos, crystal singing bowls, bells, gongs, harmoniums, tuning forks and other overtone-emitting instruments are used to create an environment conducive to deep relaxation and inward investigation. Participants are led through guided meditations and sound healing practices designed to harmonize body, mind and spirit.


The strength of cacao can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the origin of the beans, the processing method, and the dosage used in the ceremony. While cacao is generally considered safe and non-psychoactive, it does contain certain compounds that may have mild effects on the body and mind. Additionally, the effects of cacao can vary from person to person, and some individuals may be more sensitive to its effects than others. As with any substance, it is important to approach cacao with respect and caution, and to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about its use. The information provided in a cacao ceremony is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for professional healthcare. Take extra caution when consuming cacao if you have high blood pressure and anxiety and contact the facilitator with any questions or concerns.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact us and we will refund your ticket.

While we take every possible precaution to keep our center clean and safe, we cannot guarantee that you will not contract COVID-19 or any other illness during your visit. By entering our center, you assume all risks associated with exposure to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. We strongly encourage all visitors to follow the guidelines recommended by public health authorities. We reserve the right to deny entry to anyone who refuses to comply with our safety protocols. By participating in any activities or services offered at our center, you acknowledge and accept the inherent risks and agree that the center and its staff are not liable for any illness, injury, or damages that may result from your visit.