Video Course: Working with The Sounds of the Four Elements with The Dream Seed Sound Healer Training Program


Video Course: Working with The Sounds of the Four Elements with The Dream Seed Sound Healer Training Program


Join Dream Seed for an intensive journey into using sound for transformation and healing with a special focus on working with the sounds of the four elements: air, fire, water and earth.

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This is a class recording video, approximately 15 hours in length. You will be able to download the videos and keep them indefinitely. Streaming access is guaranteed for 1 year from date of purchase.

Join Dream Seed for an intensive journey into using sound for transformation and healing with a special focus on working with the sounds of the four elements: air, fire, water and earth. At this weekend-long workshop we will study what each element represents, its connection with the cycles of life, its associations with the mind, heart, soul and body, and how to use sound and music to evoke the elemental powers. Participants will gain hands-on experience in using sound for healing and well-being, receive training in a variety of sound healing modalities and will walk away with the skills and knowledge to be able to incorporate sound into healing sessions and meditative environments. Appx course length: 15 hours.