The MESA Pop-Up market is coming back to the Golden Drum, happening this April from the 5-6. Immerse yourself in the beauty and power of traditional indigenous ceremonial arts, jewelry, clothing, tapestries, rare sound healing instruments, herbal apothecary and wild-handcrafted products. M.E.S.A features local artisans as well as ethically sourced, and fair-traded indigenous arts & gifts. Our Pop-Up emphasizes the importance of fostering personal relationships with the artisans and handmakers who crafted each item. Enjoy wholesome vegetarian food and exotic herbal elixirs in a communal and celebratory atmosphere.
Saturday, April 5th 11am - 7pm
Sunday, April 6th 11am - 7pm
Traditional Ceremonial Arts will include:
Shipibo Tapestries and Clothing
Huichol, Yawanawa, Huni Kuin and Emberá Beadwork from Central and South America
Amazonian Visionary Paintings from Pablo Amaringo's Usko-Ayar School
Local artisan beadwork
Andean clothing and textiles from Peru
Brazilian Tepís and Kuripés
Feathered Amazonian Earrings
Medicine Bags
Talismans for the home
Instruments for sale will include:
Handmade authentic Aboriginal didgeridoos from Australia
Rare Handpans and Rav Drums
Hokema Sansulas
Shipibo Rattles
A Variety of Handmade Native American Flutes crafted by the La Rosa
Family of Peru
Crystal Bowls
Harmonic Mallet Harps
Overtone Jaw Harps
Tuning Forks
Chakapas from the Peruvian Amazon
Native American Hand Drums
Shruti Boxes and more!
For information about vending, please contact
Confirmed Vendors:
plus more to come
About MESA
MESA: Marketplace of Ethically Sourced Arts, is a collective of healers, musicians, and spiritual seekers who aim to bring high quality works of art and ceremonial tools from the sacred traditions of humanity out into the world. Contact: