CANCELED: Greetings to all! We have decided that due to the NYC COVID alert level reaching 'High', for the safety of all, we will be canceling this event until a later date where all people's safety can be ensured. If you have already donated to the event, we will refund your ticket and look forward to seeing you in the future in safe and healthy circumstances. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We wish you a lot of peace and wellbeing.
Dream Seed is a sound healing ensemble created by members of Golden Drum, Sacred Arts Research Foundation, and Didge Project. Shamanic chanting, mantras, overtone singing, Native American songs, indigenous music, didgeridoos, crystal singing bowls, bells, gongs, harmoniums, tuning forks and other overtone-emitting instruments are used to create an environment conducive to deep relaxation and inward investigation.
Participants are led through guided meditations and sound healing practices designed to harmonize body, mind and spirit. Some blankets and yoga mats will be provided but we encourage people to come with extra padding just in case there isn't enough for everyone.
Space is limited!
We ask that everyone please be respectful and arrive on time. Doors close at 7:15 promptly and no one will be let in after this time.
Suggested donation: $25
Due to the intimate nature of this work, ALL ATTENDEES are asked to get a COVID TEST within 48 HOURS of our event. EVEN IF YOU ARE VACCINATED, YOU MUST PROVIDE A TEST.
Please be prepared to share an image of your test when you arrive! We look forward to gathering together in a safe way.
Members of Dream Seed are active organizers of the Golden Drum and the Sacred Arts Research Foundation communities. They are students of Maestro Manuel Rufino, a recognized Taino elder, spiritual guide and ceremonial leader. With his blessing, Dream Seed was created as a vehicle with which to share the music of sacred traditions of the world.
Their affiliations include Made in Prayer, Jungle Cafe and Didge Project.