There is always a small percentage more that we can let go of. During this class, we will explore the many layers of relaxation through a handful of simple postures accompanied by sacred sound. We will peel back the layers of tension using breath, time, the earth and sound vibration.
Let the body mind and heart melt into the earth.
The class will be 30 minutes of kriya, chi gong, and alignment based yoga to get the fire moving. Then we will sink into the earth.
Alyona Mindlin is an international yoga teacher with 25 years of movement background and 13 years of spiritual practice. She teaches based on the principles of Iyengar Yoga. This practice inspires awareness, precision, relaxation, and connection to the midline. She calls it enlightenment through alignment. She is a disciple of Maestro Manuel Rufino and yoga student of Nikki Costello. Kula Yoga Project and the Golden Drum are her yoga homes in NYC where she practices and teaches privately. Alyona leads workshops, yoga teacher trainings, and shamanic Thai massage trainings worldwide.
Adrian DiMatteo is a guitarist, singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist from New York. He carries sacred songs and mantras from around the world and has performed in over 20 countries. He teaches, practices music therapy, and is the creator of “Guitar Handbook,” an educational app for aspiring guitarists of all levels.