You are invited to a Zoom Screening of the Documentary Film:
Kene Yuxi | The Twists of Kene: Tracing the Ancestral Textile Traditions of the Huni Kuin People of Brazil + Q&A (this is an online event)
Suggested donation $15 - $20 goes directly to Yube’s community.
Zezinho Yube, Indigenous Elder and Vice President of 108 Huni Kuin villages in the Amazon of Brazil, has created a documentary film about the traditional weavings of his people. Together with his father, they travel to multiple villages to interview textile artisans and study the “kene”, the Huni Kuin term for the ancient woven traditions and dazzling pattern designs of the people of Acre, Brazil. This online screening will be followed by a special zoom Q&A with Zezinho Yube Huni Kuin.
All of the proceeds from this film screening will go directly to Yube’s community for the purpose of purchasing a much needed boat to carry supplies to and from the villages along the river. Any additional donations would be greatly appreciated.
Zezinho Yube, from the Huni Kuin people of Acre, Brazil, is an Agroflorestal Agent and Indigenous filmmaker. Yube has participated in indigenous film festivals in the United States, Germany, Mexico and Bolivia and his films have won the the following awards: ForumDoc Documentary Festival of Belo Horizonte -Brazil (2006); Tatu de Oro -Bahia Film Festival (2008); Tatu Plata -Bahia Film Festival (2009). He was Secretary of AMAAIAC (Association Movement of Indigenous Agroforestry Agentsof Acre) from 2002 to 2008 and Advisor for Indigenous Affairs with the Government of the State of Acre from 2011 until 2019.
Here is the link for the New York Textile Month Event Page.
Get tickets here.