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CANCELED: Launch of Flowering Sun's Crowdfunding Campaign: Cacao Ceremony With Maestro Manuel Rufino + Dream Seed!

Come join us in sacred space to celebrate the kick off of our dear friends, Flowering Sun Ecology Center’s crowdfunding campaign!

We are honored to welcome Taino Elder, World Director of MAISC and Founder of the Golden Drum, Maestro Manuel Rufino to lead a special Cacao Ceremony* and open our hearts with the music of Dream Seed, then we will watch a short video and presentation to see all that the farm has been creating the past three years and how you can help us manifest our vision to the next level!

*Preparation for a Cacao Ceremony: Cacao contains caffeine, so please do NOT DRINK COFFEE or any other stimulants at least 3 hours before the ceremony. We recommend that you do not eat for at least three hours prior to the ceremony. Dress in comfortable loose clothing.


Flowering Sun was born out of a communal vision to offer our family and community beyond organic nutrient dense food grown in harmony with the Earth. In addition to operating a thriving community farm and nursery on our 2 acre homestead in Ellenville, New York, we offer educational opportunities for the community through workshops, classes, farm dinners and seasonal apprenticeships. Through the disciplines of research, experimentation and seed saving, we are committed to preserving sacred traditions and biodiversity to benefit future generations and to be in service to a healthy, sustainable humanity. ,

Suggested donation: $40; no one turned away for lack of funds. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARDS FLOWERING SUN!


You can still make a donation and support this wonderful cause even if you cannot attend the event!


Maestro Manuel Rufino is a recognized elder in the Taino tradition and World Director of M.A.I.S.C. He is a spiritual guide, gifted ceremonial leader and teacher of sacred initiatic traditions of the world. Maestro Manuel is also an artist, certified iridologist, naturo-therapist, vegetarian chef & the visionary guiding the Golden Drum community and many vegetarian restaurants including Jungle Café in Brooklyn. Guided by his teacher, Maestro Domingo Dias Porta, Maestro Manuel has been following the trails of indigenous healing arts for over 40 years. Maestro Manuel travels around the world sharing initiatic traditions, leading workshops, lectures, sweat lodges and healing rituals.


Dream Seed is a sound healing ensemble created by members of Golden Drum, Sacred Arts Research Foundation, and Didge Project. Shamanic chanting, mantras, overtone singing, Native American songs, indigenous music, didgeridoos, crystal singing bowls, bells, gongs, harmoniums, tuning forks and other overtone-emitting instruments are used to create an environment conducive to deep relaxation and inward investigation.