We will celebrate the Spring New Moon and flourishing energies of Mother Earth again. We, men and women, will honor the Sacred Mother Earth and Moon in our present time, and how the moon moves around us and reminds us of the sacredness of Female energy that brings life, joy and serene wisdom. The blessing ceremony will honor the four elements Water, Earth, Wind and Fire, and I will create an altar where each of us will add a piece of representation of life and honor our Gratitude to them. We will honor these energies moving into the great universe and the circle of creation. I will bless each participant with my tobacco from the Amazon.
Cost: $20
Eda Zavala
Eda is a direct descendant of the Wari people of Peru. She inherited ancient traditions and profound knowledge related to plants, spirits and magical storytelling from her ancestors. Indigenous wisdom from the Highlands (Huarochiri and Huanta) and the Amazon Rainforest (Ashaninka Tribe) is a part of her DNA. She is well educated and studied sociology and anthropology at Catholic University in Lima, Peru. After her first experience with her Master Plant in 1989 while living with magical beings in the jungle and spiritual guardians of the mountains (Apus), Eda reconnected with her ancient knowledge and became aware of the incredible wisdom that her ancestors passed on to her as a child through her grandmother. Upon this awakening, Eda would never return to live or work in Lima. She felt a powerful calling to stay deep in the Amazon forest or up in the highlands. Over a twenty five year journey, Eda became a Shaman, a healer, a curandera. The true essence and meaning of her life is in honoring the ancient wisdom of her ancestors and practicing the new skills that nature, plant medicines and Indigenous Elders pass on to her. Serving her people, Eda has become a spiritual leader in her tribal community and supports their efforts to defend their territories– the pristine forests, natural resources and headwaters. Today she walks among the indigenous, modern and global worlds. She brings technical assistance to indigenous communities to protect their lands legally, to preserve the amazing sources of native plants, trees, animals and water and to help perpetuate the ancient healing practices among her people and others.