Every parent wants the very best for their family, but what does that mean in today's world and how do we attain this?
And They Lived Happily Ever After is a support group for parents, caregivers, and parents-to-be searching for practical tools to create more balance and joy and less stress in the incredible task of raising a family.
Each group will be facilitated with focused topics aimed at empowering the family through learning to create more awareness and support for the individual, the couple, the children and the family.
BIO Sebastian and Kyra are celebrating six years of marriage together and have two beautiful children. They are dedicated to share life together, to raise a conscious family together and to support each other's evolution and dreams.
Guided by the wisdom, love, and patience of their teacher, Maestro Manuel Rufino, they are constantly learning how sacred the family is and how to embrace the roles of Motherhood and Fatherhood with grace, especially amist the realities of life in NYC.